UKCSA Event Partners

Cyber Security Industry Experts

UKCSA Event Partners

The UK Cyber Security Association is working to develop some key partnerships with event organisers that complement us and our mission statement.

We have chosen our eventpartnerships carefully, based on where we and they deliver the most value to our members. As a membership organisation we continually enhance and invest in our skills and expertise for our members, and this is reflected in the event partners we have chosen to work with.

Our Current Event Partners

Cyber Security Festival 2021

Whilst the volume and severity of cyber attacks seems constantly to rise, there are new tools and strategies for organisations to deploy in their defence. Most find that a combination of regular training, a spread of the right tools, and visibility of logs and monitoring dashboards reduces risk to acceptable levels. But which tools are the best fit for your organisation? How can you make training relevant and memorable, and should you link it to KPIs? How do you ensure you’re seeing the right alerts and avoid information overload?

Hosted by Computing , the CyberSecurity Festival will provide a combination of presentations, panel sessions, fireside chats, workshops and networking to help you answer all of these questions and more. Attendees will hear from the industry’s top experts, some of the biggest and most successful brands, and have their opportunity to put their questions to them directly.


To register please visit

CyberSecurity Live – organised by FStech

13 November 2019, Hilton Tower Bridge

As the amount of personal data processed by financial services firms increases exponentially, so does the potential for criminals to intercept it. Not a week goes by without a new threat identified or breach admitted to, so there’s no time like the present to bring together experts from across
institutions, regulators and government – along with the leading tech firms – to debate the biggest issues in cyber security. Across a range of keynote speeches, interactive demonstrations and lively panel debates,

CyberSecurity Live will assess the current threat landscape for financial services and answer the biggest questions facing those in charge of protecting their organisations.

Some worrying Statistics


Detected Attacks

and 25% of Large Firms experience a breach at least once per month




of all businesses set cyber security standards
for their suppliers



Have Written

a formal written cyber security policy to protect their business



Recommended Action

to identify risks
from Cyber Attacks

Stay Safe, Stay Sure, BE SECURE!

Cyber attacks are being performed every second of every day.

You must review your current Cyber defences and continue to have them tested by professional organisations.

View the CYBER ATTACK video

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